Happy birthday

Yesterday (20/9) was my 27th birthday...Mak, sisters, fiance and friends greeted me but this year will definitely different because my father won't be here to greet me. Yesterday genap la 9 bulan he left us. enough about that. My fiance treat me for dinner last night.

Today not much work to do. need to study the proposal for parliament system. Few companies called for presentation. Cakap je sibuk. malas nak layan le. chiow!!!adios!!!!

Jumaat already

Dah hari Jumaat rupanya :-) . Baru ada mood nak update. Hari ni jalan agak jem. Maybe because today is Friday. Minggu ni Saturday tak keja. Yuhuuu!!!!!! Tapi dah plan nak balik kampung. Mak dah bising sebab lama tak balik. Since my father passed away, she is the only one I have. Kena la balik jenguk dia selalu.

Today, loads of work need to be done since esok nak balik kg. Kalau tak Saturday pun dtg ofis. Semalam meeting sampai pukul 6.30 . Meeting RMK 9. Rupanya bahagian aku 5 minit je diorang bincang. tunggu punya la lama. Masa nak balik, hujan selebat-lebatnya. Terpaksa la meredah jugak hujan ditambah dengan jem. Memang complete kadar ketensionan aku semlm. bukannya tension sebab hujan tapi tension sebab jem.

No idea to jot down at the moment. thinking of update this blog this evening. tengok le kalo sempat. have a great day everybody. chaos!!!!

what a hectic tuesday

Today i have attended 2 meetings. Meeting is what i need to avoid at a first place. Morning, attended financial meeting. After lunch, another meeting on finance. As an IT person, benda2 melibatkan kewangan ni I cuba nak avoid. Not that I don't like it, just that I really don't like to make a budget for my department. Kena pulak menjawab nanti kalo department tak belanja betul2.